Baby Name Rankings of Matias

Matias: Statistics About The Baby Name Matias

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20231642,1910.1197% ***
20221961,9390.1040% ***
20212251,7130.0921% ***
20202161,7520.0950% ***
20192291,6340.0856% ***
20182012,0070.1041% ***
20172361,5580.0794% ***
20163629150.0453% ***
20154586600.0326% ***
20145035560.0274% ***
20135634640.0232% ***
20125634550.0226% ***
20115664390.0218% ***
20107063270.0161% ***
20097143290.0157% ***
20088122660.0124% ***
20077952670.0122% ***
20068162450.0114% ***
20058662080.0100% ***
20048871930.0093% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.