Baby Name Rankings of Maryjo

Maryjo: Statistics About The Baby Name Maryjo

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1970*** 9901260.0069%
1969*** 9141350.0077%
1968*** 9011320.0077%
1967*** 9121260.0073%
1966*** 8191480.0084%
1965*** 7741650.0090%
1964*** 6412550.0130%
1963*** 6362510.0126%
1962*** 5862850.0141%
1961*** 5902920.0141%
1960*** 5762930.0141%
1959*** 7081980.0095%
1958*** 7121930.0094%
1957*** 7091960.0093%
1956*** 7641640.0080%
1955*** 7561580.0079%
1954*** 6641940.0097%
1953*** 6891730.0090%
1952*** 7211520.0080%
1951*** 7661330.0072%
1950*** 7831230.0070%
1949*** 7331350.0077%
1948*** 8521060.0061%
1947*** 7541300.0072%
1946*** 6911350.0084%
1945*** 782920.0068%
1944*** 787950.0070%
1943*** 6991190.0083%
1942*** 7261070.0077%
1941*** 819780.0063%
1940*** 897640.0054%
1939*** 860670.0059%
1938*** 873650.0057%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.