Baby Name Rankings of Maryanne

Maryanne: Statistics About The Baby Name Maryanne

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1971*** 9811290.0074%
1968*** 8101560.0091%
1967*** 7561690.0098%
1966*** 6971970.0112%
1965*** 5922620.0143%
1964*** 6292610.0133%
1963*** 5782910.0146%
1962*** 5673010.0149%
1961*** 5083710.0179%
1960*** 4973770.0181%
1959*** 5273400.0164%
1958*** 5323320.0161%
1957*** 4913760.0179%
1956*** 5682750.0134%
1955*** 5482780.0139%
1954*** 5013130.0157%
1953*** 5342610.0135%
1952*** 5172660.0140%
1951*** 4643250.0176%
1950*** 4443310.0188%
1949*** 4672950.0168%
1948*** 4263470.0199%
1947*** 4553220.0177%
1946*** 4313240.0201%
1945*** 4282780.0207%
1944*** 4192960.0217%
1943*** 4183070.0214%
1942*** 4073130.0225%
1941*** 4352470.0198%
1940*** 4652070.0175%
1939*** 5231640.0145%
1938*** 5121700.0149%
1937*** 5381530.0139%
1936*** 5751320.0123%
1935*** 675980.0090%
1934*** 6011200.0111%
1933*** 721830.0079%
1932*** 709920.0083%
1931*** 782750.0068%
1930*** 843720.0062%
1929*** 940590.0051%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.