Baby Name Rankings of Marsha

Marsha: Statistics About The Baby Name Marsha

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1990*** 9641950.0095%
1989*** 9391900.0095%
1988*** 8632050.0107%
1987*** 7242500.0134%
1986*** 7402390.0130%
1985*** 6652730.0148%
1984*** 5473460.0192%
1983*** 5013890.0218%
1982*** 4364950.0273%
1981*** 4035580.0312%
1980*** 3975720.0322%
1979*** 3337040.0409%
1978*** 2878070.0492%
1977*** 2808540.0520%
1976*** 2639070.0577%
1975*** 2471,0050.0644%
1974*** 2301,1050.0706%
1973*** 2211,1400.0734%
1972*** 2281,2120.0752%
1971*** 2291,3010.0743%
1970*** 2251,3800.0754%
1969*** 2551,1480.0652%
1968*** 2441,1320.0662%
1967*** 2221,3170.0767%
1966*** 2321,3060.0744%
1965*** 2151,5370.0841%
1964*** 2041,7830.0911%
1963*** 1911,9530.0983%
1962*** 1822,0700.1022%
1961*** 1792,1640.1043%
1960*** 1782,2360.1075%
1959*** 1632,4690.1188%
1958*** 1582,5050.1214%
1957*** 1442,9240.1395%
1956*** 1293,3310.1618%
1955*** 1064,0570.2025%
1954*** 864,9660.2495%
1953*** 835,1280.2660%
1952*** 755,5770.2932%
1951*** 765,1820.2811%
1950*** 685,3970.3070%
1949*** 794,6040.2625%
1948*** 764,7150.2708%
1947*** 884,3240.2381%
1946*** 983,6140.2245%
1945*** 1132,4230.1800%
1944*** 1112,3990.1757%
1943*** 1322,0940.1462%
1942*** 1551,5730.1130%
1941*** 2038930.0717%
1940*** 2277420.0628%
1939*** 2625580.0492%
1938*** 2546190.0542%
1937*** 2615610.0509%
1936*** 3483280.0305%
1935*** 5371430.0132%
1934*** 738820.0076%
1933*** 781720.0069%
1931*** 908590.0054%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.