Baby Name Rankings of Marquise

Marquise: Statistics About The Baby Name Marquise

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20099132250.0107% ***
20089152210.0103% ***
20079102150.0099% ***
20068662260.0105% ***
20058012350.0113% ***
20047272580.0124% ***
20036892780.0133% ***
20026612820.0137% ***
20016342950.0143% ***
20005883350.0161% ***
19995154120.0203% ***
19984435160.0255% ***
19974045710.0286% ***
19964185420.0271% ***
19953686440.0321% ***
19944475030.0247% ***
19934854320.0209% ***
19925503430.0164% ***
19915183700.0175% ***
19905553320.0155% ***
19895872780.0133% ***
19886721960.0098% ***
19877721420.0073% ***
19868521140.0059% ***
19858731080.0056% ***
19848731020.0054% ***
1983958850.0046% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.