Baby Name Rankings of Marlys

Marlys: Statistics About The Baby Name Marlys

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1956*** 9201210.0059%
1955*** 9231130.0056%
1954*** 7651500.0075%
1953*** 6781780.0092%
1952*** 7071600.0084%
1951*** 6291890.0103%
1950*** 6311820.0104%
1949*** 6181790.0102%
1948*** 6001930.0111%
1947*** 5682260.0124%
1946*** 4962450.0152%
1945*** 4692340.0174%
1944*** 4742270.0166%
1943*** 4362850.0199%
1942*** 4562630.0189%
1941*** 4092820.0227%
1940*** 3942940.0249%
1939*** 3433430.0302%
1938*** 3343600.0315%
1937*** 3253690.0335%
1936*** 3233650.0339%
1935*** 3403510.0323%
1934*** 3443440.0318%
1933*** 3543120.0298%
1932*** 4232410.0218%
1931*** 3932760.0250%
1930*** 4632100.0180%
1929*** 5231700.0147%
1928*** 5511610.0135%
1927*** 5651580.0128%
1926*** 6541220.0099%
1925*** 6951130.0090%
1924*** 814840.0065%
1923*** 814810.0065%
1921*** 916660.0052%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.