Baby Name Rankings of Marlyn

Marlyn: Statistics About The Baby Name Marlyn

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1950*** 987860.0049%
1948*** 997770.0044%
1947*** 8501070.0059%
1946*** 7891090.0068%
1945*** 856780.0058%
1944*** 7241090.0080%
1943*** 6491370.0096%
1942*** 6621290.0093%
1941*** 6751090.0088%
1940855550.0046% 5861410.0119%
1939730680.0060% 6151210.0107%
1938665820.0072% 5421580.0138%
1937661820.0075% 4841830.0166%
1936672780.0073% 4641930.0179%
1935598940.0088% 4701840.0169%
1934658850.0080% 5391450.0134%
1933630850.0083% 5121550.0148%
1932701780.0073% 5621350.0122%
1931639860.0081% 5781300.0118%
1930700800.0071% 753870.0075%
1929774690.0062% 808770.0067%
1928886570.0050% 819780.0065%
1927970520.0045% 955630.0051%
1926864600.0052% 820800.0065%
1925980490.0043% 918660.0052%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.