Baby Name Rankings of Marita

Marita: Statistics About The Baby Name Marita

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1958--- 9541180.0057%
1956--- 9581110.0054%
1955--- 8931200.0060%
1954--- 8511240.0062%
1953--- 9171060.0055%
1952--- 991910.0048%
1951--- 9101010.0055%
1949--- 917940.0054%
1948--- 898950.0055%
1947--- 963860.0047%
1946--- 908850.0053%
1943--- 920720.0050%
1942--- 896770.0055%
1941--- 790840.0067%
1940--- 888650.0055%
1939--- 948560.0049%
1938--- 767830.0073%
1937--- 898590.0054%
1936--- 988490.0045%
1935--- 844670.0062%
1934--- 890590.0055%
1933--- 818670.0064%
1932--- 969540.0049%