Baby Name Rankings of Marina

Marina: Statistics About The Baby Name Marina

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 5735180.0296%
2022*** 6464540.0254%
2021*** 7183970.0223%
2020*** 7033990.0226%
2019*** 6904170.0229%
2018*** 6824270.0231%
2017*** 7134000.0213%
2016*** 6824280.0222%
2015*** 6564340.0224%
2014*** 6614300.0222%
2013*** 6004670.0245%
2012*** 6444370.0227%
2011*** 6184650.0242%
2010*** 6404560.0235%
2009*** 6124880.0244%
2008*** 5385640.0274%
2007*** 4646840.0328%
2006*** 4067700.0374%
2005*** 4117450.0374%
2004*** 3548750.0441%
2003*** 4047450.0374%
2002*** 3837670.0390%
2001*** 3359110.0462%
2000*** 3498830.0444%
1999*** 3279310.0479%
1998*** 3229360.0484%
1997*** 2939770.0513%
1996*** 2681,0710.0559%
1995*** 2541,1010.0574%
1994*** 2191,3050.0670%
1993*** 2361,1870.0603%
1992*** 2761,0100.0504%
1991*** 3367830.0385%
1990*** 3248500.0414%
1989*** 4125990.0301%
1988*** 5024440.0231%
1987*** 4894420.0236%
1986*** 5363810.0207%
1985*** 5153880.0210%
1984*** 4854160.0231%
1983*** 5103790.0212%
1982*** 5034010.0221%
1981*** 5323540.0198%
1980*** 5653290.0185%
1979*** 5733160.0184%
1978*** 5902880.0175%
1977*** 5483230.0197%
1976*** 5742850.0181%
1975*** 5433180.0204%
1974*** 6162530.0162%
1973*** 6252430.0156%
1972*** 6432380.0148%
1971*** 6352610.0149%
1970*** 5992930.0160%
1969*** 5962780.0158%
1968*** 5333210.0188%
1967*** 5263220.0188%
1966*** 5143390.0193%
1965*** 4953680.0201%
1964*** 5163600.0184%
1963*** 5663010.0151%
1962*** 5822880.0142%
1961*** 6312620.0126%
1960*** 5273390.0163%
1959*** 6332480.0119%
1958*** 6782120.0103%
1957*** 6462320.0111%
1956*** 6682080.0101%
1955*** 6392110.0105%
1954*** 5622500.0126%
1953*** 7471500.0078%
1952*** 7541400.0074%
1951*** 8081220.0066%
1950*** 7701270.0072%
1949*** 7741250.0071%
1948*** 7251360.0078%
1947*** 8491070.0059%
1946*** 7581170.0073%
1945*** 7451010.0075%
1944*** 790940.0069%
1943*** 822890.0062%
1942*** 918730.0052%
1941*** 929630.0051%
1940*** 786810.0069%
1939*** 913600.0053%
1938*** 773820.0072%
1937*** 885620.0056%
1936*** 871610.0057%
1935*** 709900.0083%
1934*** 851650.0060%
1929*** 996530.0046%
1928*** 945630.0053%
1926*** 917670.0055%
1924*** 938660.0051%
1920*** 958590.0047%
1919*** 905610.0052%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.