Baby Name Rankings of Marilynn

Marilynn: Statistics About The Baby Name Marilynn

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1959*** 7221940.0093%
1958*** 7361820.0088%
1957*** 6332390.0114%
1956*** 6092480.0120%
1955*** 5642620.0131%
1954*** 5512600.0131%
1953*** 5082860.0148%
1952*** 4583410.0179%
1951*** 4623290.0178%
1950*** 4113790.0216%
1949*** 4223460.0197%
1948*** 4313390.0195%
1947*** 3994080.0225%
1946*** 4003610.0224%
1945*** 4153000.0223%
1944*** 3463920.0287%
1943*** 3823610.0252%
1942*** 3593810.0274%
1941*** 3583460.0278%
1940*** 3583310.0280%
1939*** 3902900.0256%
1938*** 3773080.0270%
1937*** 3942710.0246%
1936*** 3712910.0270%
1935*** 3972650.0244%
1934*** 4212440.0226%
1933*** 4282280.0218%
1932*** 4971780.0161%
1931*** 5351540.0140%
1930*** 6111290.0111%
1929*** 6131260.0109%
1928*** 6991010.0085%
1927*** 5531640.0133%
1926*** 5721540.0125%
1925*** 6441290.0102%
1924*** 4952010.0155%
1923*** 4342430.0194%
1922*** 3892820.0226%
1921*** 6611250.0098%
1920*** 740960.0077%
1919*** 817740.0063%
1918*** 956570.0047%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.