Baby Name Rankings of Maricela

Maricela: Statistics About The Baby Name Maricela

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1999*** 9422220.0114%
1998*** 9182280.0118%
1997*** 9492090.0110%
1996*** 8182480.0130%
1995*** 8742180.0114%
1994*** 7752630.0135%
1993*** 8162450.0124%
1992*** 6833170.0158%
1991*** 6623300.0162%
1990*** 5853960.0193%
1989*** 6373300.0166%
1988*** 6193230.0168%
1987*** 6183110.0166%
1986*** 5843310.0180%
1985*** 5953230.0175%
1984*** 7412200.0122%
1983*** 7712070.0116%
1982*** 6982510.0139%
1981*** 6412770.0155%
1980*** 5643290.0185%
1979*** 5283620.0210%
1978*** 4694200.0256%
1977*** 4554330.0264%
1976*** 4694060.0259%
1975*** 5712900.0186%
1974*** 5622910.0186%
1973*** 5982640.0170%
1972*** 6562320.0144%
1971*** 7152120.0121%
1970*** 8301650.0090%
1969*** 7491830.0104%
1968*** 8731390.0081%
1967*** 7911590.0093%
1966*** 9151220.0070%
1965*** 8561370.0075%
1964*** 9811180.0060%
1963*** 9411260.0063%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.