Baby Name Rankings of Marian

Marian: Statistics About The Baby Name Marian

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2000*** 7363140.0158%
1992*** 9112150.0107%
1991*** 8642320.0114%
1990*** 9382020.0098%
1989*** 9301930.0097%
1988*** 9531750.0091%
1987*** 9301770.0095%
1986*** 8192050.0111%
1985*** 8181990.0108%
1984*** 8021980.0110%
1983*** 8551790.0100%
1982*** 7342310.0128%
1981*** 7942040.0114%
1980*** 7672140.0120%
1979*** 8281890.0110%
1978*** 7751990.0121%
1977*** 7432070.0126%
1976*** 6912150.0137%
1975*** 7162070.0133%
1974*** 6412380.0152%
1973*** 5942650.0171%
1972*** 6052630.0163%
1971*** 5643150.0180%
1970*** 5163810.0208%
1969*** 5333420.0194%
1968*** 4943880.0227%
1967*** 4284800.0280%
1966*** 4075180.0295%
1965*** 3736000.0328%
1964*** 3457570.0387%
1963*** 3228540.0430%
1962*** 3109030.0446%
1961*** 3049050.0436%
1960*** 2861,0180.0490%
1959*** 2691,0700.0515%
1958*** 2711,0520.0510%
1957*** 2271,3520.0645%
1956*** 2321,2520.0608%
1955*** 2081,4930.0745%
1954*** 1044,0100.2015%
1953*** 2171,3650.0708%
1952*** 2211,2420.0653%
1951*** 2201,2350.0670%
1950*** 2121,2580.0716%
1949*** 1991,3600.0775%
1948*** 1961,3870.0797%
1947*** 1791,6060.0884%
1946*** 1631,6420.1020%
1945*** 1621,4510.1078%
1944*** 1551,5860.1162%
1943*** 1501,7850.1247%
1942*** 1411,8410.1323%
1941*** 1421,6760.1346%
1940*** 1431,6930.1433%
1939*** 1301,8360.1619%
1938*** 1281,8670.1636%
1937*** 1301,9030.1728%
1936*** 1142,0590.1912%
1935*** 1052,2650.2085%
1934*** 972,4270.2244%
1933*** 892,6330.2519%
1932*** 862,8370.2565%
1931*** 842,8530.2588%
1930*** 803,2090.2754%
1929*** 753,4480.2980%
1928*** 713,8800.3249%
1927*** 743,7160.3007%
1926*** 703,8570.3138%
1925*** 673,9810.3154%
1924*** 644,2000.3241%
1923*** 654,0150.3207%
1922*** 673,9540.3170%
1921*** 694,0610.3176%
1920*** 733,8450.3092%
1919*** 813,2610.2776%
1918*** 763,4980.2909%
1917*** 743,2680.2910%
1916*** 723,1930.2943%
1915*** 862,6110.2552%
1914958340.0050% 901,8600.2340%
1913*** 931,4490.2219%
1912*** 931,3070.2234%
1911*** 1058780.1993%
1910*** 1068040.1921%
1909*** 1146410.1745%
1908*** 1175790.1635%
1907911100.0063% 1195550.1646%
1906*** 1264980.1590%
1905*** 1364550.1469%
1904*** 1414060.1388%
1903*** 1473550.1276%
1902*** 1523380.1206%
190182780.0069% 1592960.1164%
1900*** 1454100.1289%
1899*** 1383360.1358%
1898*** 1453430.1251%
1897*** 1493090.1245%
1896*** 1642670.1059%
1895*** 1612650.1072%
1894*** 2431240.0525%
1893*** 2181400.0622%
1892*** 1951640.0729%
1891*** 2331080.0549%
1890*** 2311120.0555%
1889*** 245900.0476%
1888*** 242920.0486%
1887*** 227850.0547%
1886*** 280550.0358%
1885*** 252640.0451%
1884*** 249610.0443%
1883*** 264480.0400%
1882*** 270420.0363%
188183560.0055% 261390.0394%
1880*** 205560.0574%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.