Baby Name Rankings of Mariah

Mariah: Statistics About The Baby Name Mariah

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 3937770.0444%
2022*** 3459210.0516%
2021*** 3429370.0527%
2020*** 3041,0610.0602%
2019*** 2761,1800.0647%
2018*** 2171,4160.0767%
2017*** 1931,6040.0856%
2016*** 1661,9160.0994%
2015*** 1552,0870.1078%
2014*** 1362,3830.1229%
2013*** 1142,7330.1431%
2012*** 1082,8560.1486%
2011*** 982,9560.1539%
2010*** 973,0700.1581%
2009*** 883,5380.1767%
2008*** 783,9780.1935%
2007*** 923,6320.1743%
2006*** 814,0020.1946%
2005*** 853,7560.1885%
2004*** 1132,9180.1469%
2003*** 1133,0510.1530%
2002*** 1302,6570.1351%
2001*** 853,5650.1806%
2000*** 764,0840.2053%
1999*** 684,6350.2386%
1998*** 625,0770.2624%
1997*** 674,7960.2516%
1996*** 635,4400.2841%
1995*** 724,7670.2484%
1994*** 744,7490.2440%
1993*** 804,0860.2075%
1992*** 744,7050.2350%
1991*** 695,1830.2552%
1990*** 2591,1010.0537%
1989*** 5633960.0199%
1988*** 5204240.0221%
1987*** 4964360.0233%
1986*** 6742730.0148%
1985*** 5723430.0186%
1984*** 5853110.0173%
1983*** 5483360.0188%
1982*** 5403590.0198%
1981*** 5763210.0180%
1980*** 5123860.0217%
1979*** 5913060.0178%
1978*** 5892880.0175%
1977*** 5782990.0182%
1976*** 7591900.0121%
1975*** 8591560.0100%
1973*** 9121350.0087%
1913*** 955320.0049%
1911*** 865250.0057%
1910*** 870250.0060%
1908*** 930190.0054%
1907*** 938170.0050%
1906*** 757240.0077%
1905*** 725250.0081%
1904*** 718240.0082%
1903*** 723220.0079%
1902*** 729230.0082%
1901*** 906140.0055%
1900*** 669290.0091%
1899*** 809170.0069%
1898*** 646260.0095%
1897*** 609260.0105%
1896*** 665230.0091%
1895*** 559290.0117%
1894*** 511320.0136%
1893*** 528280.0124%
1892*** 586230.0102%
1891*** 582210.0107%
1890*** 474310.0154%
1889*** 448300.0159%
1888*** 589190.0100%
1887*** 400300.0193%
1886*** 446240.0156%
1885*** 409260.0183%
1884*** 445210.0153%
1883*** 507150.0125%
1882*** 386220.0190%
1881*** 483130.0131%
1880*** 349220.0225%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.