Baby Name Rankings of Marc

Marc: Statistics About The Baby Name Marc

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20199702190.0115% ***
20188262670.0138% ***
20177862960.0151% ***
20166913560.0176% ***
20156733750.0185% ***
20146364090.0201% ***
20136483730.0186% ***
20126014170.0208% ***
20115744340.0216% ***
20105804310.0212% ***
20095604650.0222% ***
20084556040.0281% ***
20074416240.0286% ***
20064087100.0329% ***
20053837450.0357% ***
20043358830.0425% ***
20033209160.0439% ***
20022821,0650.0518% ***
20012641,2370.0600% ***
20002281,4790.0710% ***
19992361,3660.0672% ***
19982421,2830.0634% ***
19972311,3350.0669% ***
19962321,2920.0646% ***
19952221,3360.0665% ***
19942131,3540.0665% ***
19932151,4040.0681% ***
19922131,4450.0689% ***
19911961,5820.0747% ***
19901631,8990.0884% ***
19891601,8950.0905% ***
19881491,8680.0935% ***
19871431,9720.1013% ***
19861372,0220.1055% ***
19851292,1560.1123% ***
19841312,0980.1120% ***
19831252,0860.1122% ***
19821382,0370.1082% ***
19811342,0380.1097% ***
19801182,3080.1247% ***
19791192,2610.1265% ***
19781072,4770.1453% ***
19771012,5970.1522% ***
1976992,5950.1592% ***
1975902,8160.1739% ***
1974853,0970.1903% ***
1973813,2750.2032% ***
1972833,4630.2071% ***
1971704,2020.2316% ***
1970605,0140.2636% ***
1969634,4940.2458% ***
1968843,5300.1989% ***
19671013,0980.1742% ***
19661052,9660.1633% ***
19651083,0540.1612% ***
19641153,0710.1516% ***
19631232,8950.1403% ***
19621222,9400.1400% ***
19611332,7050.1257% ***
19601372,5860.1195% ***
19591402,5010.1155% ***
19581432,4020.1117% ***
19571392,4730.1132% ***
19561352,4270.1133% ***
19551262,6230.1257% ***
19541332,3960.1160% ***
19531441,9740.0989% ***
19521531,8320.0929% ***
19511481,7670.0928% ***
19501671,5060.0828% ***
19491671,3880.0773% ***
19481751,2600.0709% ***
19471911,0600.0572% ***
19462157890.0480% ***
19452216110.0446% ***
19443472930.0212% ***
19434092270.0157% ***
19424132210.0157% ***
19414092050.0164% ***
19405261230.0104% ***
1939683760.0067% ***
1938686780.0069% ***
1937821560.0051% ***
1936922450.0042% ***
1935774640.0060% ***
1932984450.0042% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.