Baby Name Rankings of Manley

Manley: Statistics About The Baby Name Manley

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1927834650.0056% ***
1925951510.0044% ***
1923968510.0045% ***
1922969530.0047% ***
1921957540.0047% ***
19201000480.0044% ***
1919980480.0047% ***
1918849610.0058% ***
1917817610.0064% ***
1916946460.0050% ***
1915831550.0062% ***
1914957340.0050% ***
1913960270.0050% ***
1911960130.0054% ***
1910808150.0072% ***
1904582160.0116% ***
1899645110.0095% ***
189885880.0061% ***
1897541150.0123% ***
189680690.0070% ***
189283680.0061% ***
189174680.0073% ***
189071390.0075% ***
1889656100.0084% ***
1888679100.0077% ***
188766290.0082% ***
188567890.0078% ***
188468590.0073% ***
188399450.0044% ***
1882595110.0090% ***
188071980.0068% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.