Baby Name Rankings of Mallie

Mallie: Statistics About The Baby Name Mallie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1922*** 994570.0046%
1919*** 949560.0048%
1918*** 955570.0047%
1916*** 945530.0049%
1915*** 925520.0051%
1914*** 808520.0065%
1913*** 696560.0086%
1912*** 741460.0079%
1911*** 716370.0084%
1910*** 626460.0110%
1909*** 727310.0084%
1908*** 587410.0116%
1907*** 829210.0062%
1906*** 686290.0093%
1905*** 575370.0119%
1904*** 554370.0127%
1903*** 803190.0068%
1902*** 553350.0125%
1901*** 597280.0110%
1900*** 552390.0123%
1899*** 533320.0129%
1898*** 553340.0124%
1897*** 445440.0177%
1896*** 532320.0127%
1895*** 497350.0142%
1894*** 523310.0131%
1893*** 519290.0129%
1892*** 448370.0164%
1891*** 533240.0122%
1890*** 504270.0134%
1889*** 483270.0143%
1888*** 454300.0158%
1887*** 469230.0148%
1886*** 648130.0085%
1885*** 463210.0148%
1884*** 534160.0116%
1883*** 601110.0092%
1882*** 553120.0104%
1881*** 60890.0091%
1880*** 534110.0113%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.