Baby Name Rankings of Malia

Malia: Statistics About The Baby Name Malia

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 2731,1440.0654%
2022*** 2641,1820.0662%
2021*** 2561,1990.0674%
2020*** 2641,1660.0662%
2019*** 2621,2560.0689%
2018*** 2541,2660.0686%
2017*** 2151,4160.0755%
2016*** 2601,2290.0637%
2015*** 3131,0230.0529%
2014*** 3459480.0489%
2013*** 3359500.0498%
2012*** 3558900.0463%
2011*** 3149940.0518%
2010*** 3021,0610.0547%
2009*** 1921,6810.0840%
2008*** 3459530.0464%
2007*** 4038010.0384%
2006*** 4107650.0372%
2005*** 4247190.0361%
2004*** 4476700.0337%
2003*** 4267030.0353%
2002*** 4266790.0345%
2001*** 4735850.0296%
2000*** 4985410.0272%
1999*** 5834230.0218%
1998*** 6533530.0182%
1997*** 7003080.0162%
1996*** 7802680.0140%
1995*** 8592270.0118%
1994*** 9821890.0097%
1992*** 9961900.0095%
1984*** 9811470.0082%
1983*** 9741500.0084%
1982*** 9201640.0091%
1981*** 9721510.0085%
1980*** 9961480.0083%
1978*** 9791410.0086%
1977*** 9351490.0091%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.