Baby Name Rankings of Maleah

Maleah: Statistics About The Baby Name Maleah

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2022*** 9922640.0148%
2021*** 8803070.0173%
2020*** 8723080.0175%
2019*** 6884200.0230%
2018*** 7963410.0185%
2017*** 7633620.0193%
2016*** 7563760.0195%
2015*** 8333340.0173%
2014*** 6844100.0212%
2013*** 6064590.0240%
2012*** 6374450.0232%
2011*** 6174650.0242%
2010*** 6294620.0238%
2009*** 5935010.0250%
2008*** 8403330.0162%
2007*** 7773670.0176%
2006*** 8473120.0152%
2005*** 9522540.0128%
2004*** 9162610.0131%
2002*** 8842550.0130%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.