Baby Name Rankings of Malachi

Malachi: Statistics About The Baby Name Malachi

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20231462,4660.1347% ***
20221622,2730.1220% ***
20211672,2830.1227% ***
20201562,3750.1288% ***
20191612,4190.1267% ***
20181552,4730.1282% ***
20171532,5070.1277% ***
20161552,6070.1292% ***
20151622,5430.1255% ***
20141792,3520.1159% ***
20131772,2880.1144% ***
20121682,2810.1135% ***
20111642,3100.1148% ***
20101632,3640.1162% ***
20091672,3030.1099% ***
20081622,4040.1118% ***
20071552,6560.1218% ***
20061502,7210.1262% ***
20051622,4810.1189% ***
20041802,1800.1048% ***
20031941,9010.0910% ***
20022101,6630.0808% ***
20012521,3180.0639% ***
20003527630.0366% ***
19993717020.0345% ***
19984135750.0284% ***
19974455030.0252% ***
19965064130.0206% ***
19955323600.0179% ***
19946332700.0133% ***
19936562460.0119% ***
19927841780.0085% ***
19918631480.0070% ***
19909591180.0055% ***
19899551140.0054% ***
1987992920.0047% ***
1910970120.0058% ***
1908926100.0060% ***
190289980.0060% ***
189079180.0067% ***
188994360.0050% ***
188888270.0054% ***
188780170.0064% ***
188673580.0067% ***
188581370.0060% ***
188273380.0066% ***
188196150.0046% ***
1880624100.0084% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.