Baby Name Rankings of Makenzie

Makenzie: Statistics About The Baby Name Makenzie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 5375610.0321%
2022*** 5116100.0342%
2021*** 4317270.0409%
2020*** 3448960.0508%
2019*** 3389410.0516%
2018*** 3171,0260.0556%
2017*** 2961,0880.0580%
2016*** 2441,3020.0675%
2015*** 2101,5410.0796%
2014*** 1811,7660.0911%
2013*** 1651,9290.1010%
2012*** 1502,1140.1100%
2011*** 1392,1880.1139%
2010*** 1531,9800.1020%
2009*** 1721,8900.0944%
2008*** 1622,0480.0996%
2007*** 1781,9110.0917%
2006*** 1961,7600.0856%
2005*** 2031,6850.0846%
2004*** 2121,5840.0797%
2003*** 2091,5740.0789%
2002*** 1981,6230.0825%
2001*** 1961,6600.0841%
2000*** 1991,6110.0810%
1999*** 2231,4220.0732%
1998*** 2691,1580.0599%
1997*** 2889940.0522%
1996*** 3069310.0486%
1995*** 3597280.0379%
1994*** 4006270.0322%
1993*** 4715380.0273%
1992*** 6033760.0188%
1991*** 7322840.0140%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.