Baby Name Rankings of Mae

Mae: Statistics About The Baby Name Mae

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 5065970.0341%
2022*** 5106120.0343%
2021*** 5056160.0346%
2020*** 5785080.0288%
2019*** 5485540.0304%
2018*** 5545560.0301%
2017*** 6544520.0241%
2016*** 5825290.0274%
2015*** 5895080.0263%
2014*** 6824120.0213%
2013*** 6744170.0218%
2012*** 7503680.0192%
2011*** 8033340.0174%
2010*** 9882540.0131%
1969*** 9471270.0072%
1968*** 9851120.0066%
1967*** 8251470.0086%
1966*** 7311820.0104%
1965*** 7201890.0103%
1964*** 7282040.0104%
1963*** 6432480.0125%
1962*** 6292590.0128%
1961*** 5173590.0173%
1960*** 5193460.0166%
1959*** 5073700.0178%
1958*** 4983730.0181%
1957*** 4414540.0217%
1956*** 4224680.0227%
1955*** 3645760.0287%
1954*** 3715560.0279%
1953*** 3306340.0329%
1952*** 3176480.0341%
1951*** 2927230.0392%
1950*** 2877400.0421%
1949*** 2747880.0449%
1948*** 2518890.0511%
1947*** 2538650.0476%
1946*** 2517930.0493%
1945*** 2238580.0637%
1944*** 2248700.0637%
1943*** 2248730.0610%
1942*** 2069930.0714%
1941*** 1919910.0796%
1940*** 1851,0210.0864%
1939*** 1801,0590.0934%
1938*** 1831,0870.0953%
1937*** 1851,0660.0968%
1936*** 1701,1380.1057%
1935*** 1601,2630.1163%
1934*** 1471,3820.1278%
1933*** 1481,2860.1230%
1932*** 1411,4560.1317%
1931*** 1411,4600.1324%
1930*** 1371,6480.1414%
1929*** 1321,7680.1528%
1928*** 1301,8060.1512%
1927*** 1252,0630.1669%
1926*** 1182,2500.1831%
1925*** 1162,3360.1850%
1924*** 1142,3730.1831%
1923*** 1102,4230.1935%
1922*** 1112,4010.1925%
1921*** 1102,5840.2021%
1920*** 992,7360.2200%
1919*** 992,6350.2243%
1918*** 952,7530.2290%
1917*** 962,5030.2229%
1916*** 922,6010.2397%
1915*** 892,4850.2429%
1914*** 852,0420.2569%
1913*** 791,8120.2775%
1912*** 741,7730.3030%
1911*** 701,4470.3285%
1910*** 651,4550.3476%
1909789140.0079% 681,2240.3332%
1908*** 571,3820.3903%
1907*** 571,3750.4078%
1906*** 601,2240.3908%
1905823100.0070% 591,2850.4148%
1904*** 581,2140.4152%
1903*** 581,1900.4278%
190283990.0068% 531,2610.4498%
1901*** 541,1400.4484%
1900887100.0062% 541,4060.4421%
1899*** 591,0350.4182%
1898*** 561,2390.4519%
1897*** 541,1440.4608%
1896*** 551,1480.4555%
1895*** 521,1920.4824%
1894*** 541,1340.4805%
189398460.0050% 531,0710.4755%
189291670.0053% 521,1010.4895%
1891*** 549330.4746%
189095660.0050% 589200.4562%
1889*** 578830.4666%
1888*** 608360.4412%
1887*** 586800.4375%
1886*** 616410.4169%
1885*** 635780.4071%
1884*** 645420.3939%
1883*** 704240.3531%
1882*** 714060.3509%
1881*** 753140.3176%
1880*** 713440.3524%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.