Baby Name Rankings of Maddox

Maddox: Statistics About The Baby Name Maddox

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20231951,8780.1026% ***
20221792,0970.1125% ***
20211742,2010.1183% ***
20201702,2830.1238% ***
20191562,4630.1290% ***
20181402,7970.1450% ***
20171363,0170.1537% ***
20161432,8990.1437% ***
20151462,7720.1368% ***
20141632,5540.1258% ***
20131692,3990.1199% ***
20121672,2970.1143% ***
20111692,2050.1096% ***
20101802,0900.1028% ***
20091802,0900.0997% ***
20082081,8370.0854% ***
20072261,6130.0740% ***
20062351,4850.0689% ***
20052771,1900.0570% ***
20043787210.0347% ***
20035843750.0180% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.