Baby Name Rankings of Maddison

Maddison: Statistics About The Baby Name Maddison

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 4826340.0362%
2022*** 4916380.0358%
2021*** 5195910.0332%
2020*** 4756450.0366%
2019*** 4357320.0402%
2018*** 4067570.0410%
2017*** 3578750.0467%
2016*** 3369830.0510%
2015*** 3101,0420.0538%
2014*** 3409770.0504%
2013*** 3568900.0466%
2012*** 3509030.0470%
2011*** 3229730.0507%
2010*** 2931,1030.0568%
2009*** 2811,1550.0577%
2008*** 3271,0100.0491%
2007*** 3818540.0410%
2006*** 4037820.0380%
2005*** 4476670.0335%
2004*** 5155520.0278%
2003*** 5115570.0279%
2002*** 4995540.0282%
2001*** 4785810.0294%
2000*** 4356470.0325%
1999*** 4685610.0289%
1998*** 4605590.0289%
1997*** 4954990.0262%
1996*** 5294460.0233%
1995*** 5923830.0200%
1994*** 7632690.0138%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.