Baby Name Rankings of Lyn

Lyn: Statistics About The Baby Name Lyn

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1969*** 9851200.0068%
1968*** 9331230.0072%
1967*** 8371450.0084%
1966*** 8811300.0074%
1965*** 7831610.0088%
1964*** 7332010.0103%
1963*** 7291980.0100%
1962*** 5912820.0139%
1961*** 7112120.0102%
1960*** 6892180.0105%
1959*** 7062000.0096%
1958*** 6382380.0115%
1957*** 5772800.0134%
1956*** 5662760.0134%
1955*** 5532690.0134%
19541000560.0027% 5372740.0138%
1953*** 5332610.0135%
1952*** 5472450.0129%
1951*** 5722230.0121%
1950885600.0033% 6281830.0104%
1949*** 5951950.0111%
1948*** 5882000.0115%
1947913590.0032% 5672260.0124%
1946949500.0030% 5582020.0125%
1945*** 6191380.0103%
1944*** 6641240.0091%
1943*** 7601040.0073%
1942*** 895770.0055%
1941*** 963590.0047%
1940*** 942590.0050%
1939*** 985520.0046%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.