Baby Name Rankings of Lum

Lum: Statistics About The Baby Name Lum

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1909932110.0062% ***
190190770.0061% ***
189790270.0057% ***
189686980.0062% ***
189594670.0055% ***
1894707100.0080% ***
1892668110.0084% ***
189181570.0064% ***
189071290.0075% ***
188985670.0059% ***
1888516150.0115% ***
188772080.0073% ***
188673480.0067% ***
188581170.0060% ***
1884460170.0138% ***
1883491140.0124% ***
1882564120.0098% ***
188175170.0065% ***
1880623100.0084% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.