Baby Name Rankings of Ludwig

Ludwig: Statistics About The Baby Name Ludwig

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1933970430.0042% ***
1931933490.0046% ***
1927887590.0051% ***
1926959510.0045% ***
1924952550.0047% ***
1923945530.0047% ***
1922853650.0058% ***
1921956540.0047% ***
1920860630.0057% ***
1919806660.0065% ***
1918799670.0064% ***
1917683780.0081% ***
1916625880.0095% ***
1915675750.0085% ***
1914673580.0085% ***
1913640490.0091% ***
1912743340.0075% ***
1911659230.0095% ***
1910771160.0077% ***
1908571200.0120% ***
190689290.0062% ***
1905627150.0105% ***
1903640130.0100% ***
1902639130.0098% ***
1900885100.0062% ***
1899690100.0087% ***
1897509160.0131% ***
1896659120.0093% ***
1895545150.0118% ***
1893493150.0124% ***
1892624120.0091% ***
189181470.0064% ***
1890651100.0084% ***
188985570.0059% ***
1886590110.0092% ***
188574180.0069% ***
188468490.0073% ***
188385160.0053% ***
188290960.0049% ***
188066690.0076% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.