Baby Name Rankings of Lucius

Lucius: Statistics About The Baby Name Lucius

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1968964580.0033% ***
1967984550.0031% ***
1961992610.0028% ***
1959924690.0032% ***
1958974610.0028% ***
1957875750.0034% ***
1956892700.0033% ***
1955892690.0033% ***
1954940620.0030% ***
1953796810.0041% ***
1952800770.0039% ***
1951699990.0052% ***
1950789750.0041% ***
1949740860.0048% ***
1948698920.0052% ***
1947780780.0042% ***
1946790710.0043% ***
1945709740.0054% ***
1944806610.0044% ***
19436211040.0072% ***
1942830620.0044% ***
1941692790.0063% ***
1940745680.0057% ***
1939627880.0078% ***
1938617930.0082% ***
1937668800.0073% ***
1936778620.0058% ***
1935721720.0067% ***
1934762660.0062% ***
1933672770.0076% ***
19325751060.0099% ***
1931731710.0067% ***
1930677860.0076% ***
1929697790.0071% ***
1928641950.0083% ***
19275661190.0103% ***
19265671180.0103% ***
1925641980.0085% ***
19245831190.0102% ***
19236201060.0094% ***
19225461330.0118% ***
19215401340.0118% ***
19205231380.0125% ***
19194991420.0140% ***
19185161350.0129% ***
19175561120.0117% ***
19164641500.0162% ***
19155121180.0134% ***
19144731060.0155% ***
1913456900.0168% ***
1912406910.0202% ***
1911477380.0158% ***
1910370480.0231% ***
1909361430.0243% ***
1908410340.0204% ***
1907345400.0252% ***
1906349360.0250% ***
1905334370.0258% ***
1904374300.0217% ***
1903396250.0193% ***
1902327360.0271% ***
1901331300.0259% ***
1900348400.0246% ***
1899349270.0234% ***
1898371280.0212% ***
1897304370.0303% ***
1896377270.0209% ***
1895354280.0221% ***
1894327300.0240% ***
1893327290.0240% ***
1892319340.0259% ***
1891383210.0192% ***
1890318300.0251% ***
1889349260.0218% ***
1888310340.0262% ***
1887337240.0220% ***
1886316300.0252% ***
1885267390.0336% ***
1884316310.0253% ***
1883335250.0222% ***
1882266420.0344% ***
1881259380.0351% ***
1880274380.0321% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.