Baby Name Rankings of Lucile

Lucile: Statistics About The Baby Name Lucile

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1952*** 978930.0049%
1950*** 964880.0050%
1949*** 8681020.0058%
1948*** 8231120.0064%
1947*** 7531300.0072%
1946*** 8021050.0065%
1945*** 6841190.0088%
1944*** 6381330.0097%
1943*** 6301460.0102%
1942*** 5941560.0112%
1941*** 5151800.0145%
1940*** 5311660.0141%
1939*** 4901860.0164%
1938*** 4801920.0168%
1937*** 4242310.0210%
1936*** 4242340.0217%
1935*** 3942660.0245%
1934*** 3822800.0259%
1933*** 3623040.0291%
1932*** 3323680.0333%
1931*** 3363600.0327%
1930*** 3024840.0415%
1929*** 2735490.0475%
1928*** 2536370.0533%
1927*** 2437200.0583%
1926*** 2247950.0647%
1925*** 2128990.0712%
1924*** 2119330.0720%
1923*** 1981,0560.0843%
1922*** 1891,1290.0905%
1921*** 1791,2370.0967%
1920*** 1661,3600.1094%
1919*** 1521,4440.1229%
1918*** 1561,4470.1203%
1917*** 1421,5160.1350%
1916*** 1391,4810.1365%
1915*** 1351,4410.1408%
1914*** 1291,1640.1465%
1913*** 1289990.1530%
1912*** 1298810.1506%
1911*** 1286540.1485%
1910*** 1186980.1668%
1909*** 1255680.1546%
1908*** 1155920.1672%
1907*** 1335070.1504%
1906*** 1304840.1545%
1905*** 1314790.1546%
1904*** 1344320.1477%
1903*** 1453700.1330%
1902*** 1433880.1384%
1901*** 1423460.1361%
1900*** 1473950.1242%
1899*** 1513050.1232%
1898*** 1533300.1204%
1897*** 1662690.1083%
1896*** 1563000.1190%
1895*** 1692480.1004%
1894*** 1712390.1013%
1893*** 1831940.0861%
1892*** 1792010.0894%
1891*** 1811770.0900%
1890*** 1961490.0739%
1889*** 1961350.0713%
1888*** 239940.0496%
1887*** 226850.0547%
1886*** 247710.0462%
1885*** 224780.0549%
1884*** 263550.0400%
1883*** 258490.0408%
1882*** 228580.0501%
1881*** 272360.0364%
1880*** 248400.0410%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.