Baby Name Rankings of Lucien

Lucien: Statistics About The Baby Name Lucien

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20239232490.0136% ***
1954993570.0028% ***
1953985540.0027% ***
1952987530.0027% ***
1950858640.0035% ***
1949789760.0042% ***
1948780760.0043% ***
1947743860.0046% ***
1946737790.0048% ***
1945810590.0043% ***
1944715760.0055% ***
1943749750.0052% ***
1942735770.0055% ***
1941735720.0057% ***
1940753670.0056% ***
1939766630.0056% ***
1938809590.0052% ***
1937901480.0044% ***
1936777620.0058% ***
1935854540.0051% ***
1934600970.0091% ***
1933689750.0074% ***
1932725740.0069% ***
1931599970.0091% ***
19305801060.0094% ***
1929670830.0075% ***
1928630970.0085% ***
19275041440.0124% ***
19265111410.0123% ***
19255341320.0115% ***
19245491320.0113% ***
19234921560.0138% ***
19225371370.0122% ***
19215221420.0125% ***
19205671210.0110% ***
19195221300.0128% ***
19185551180.0112% ***
19175321190.0124% ***
19164731470.0159% ***
19154971250.0142% ***
1914521890.0130% ***
1913494780.0146% ***
1912590480.0106% ***
1911500350.0145% ***
1910626220.0106% ***
1909465300.0170% ***
1908729140.0084% ***
1907726140.0088% ***
1906697130.0090% ***
1905560180.0126% ***
1904793100.0072% ***
1903564160.0124% ***
1902500190.0143% ***
190182480.0069% ***
1900721130.0080% ***
1899537140.0122% ***
189878690.0068% ***
1897603130.0107% ***
1896577140.0108% ***
1895594130.0103% ***
1894616120.0096% ***
1893559130.0107% ***
1892726100.0076% ***
1891546120.0110% ***
1890650100.0084% ***
1889570120.0101% ***
1888495160.0123% ***
1887570110.0101% ***
188673380.0067% ***
1885515140.0121% ***
1884590110.0090% ***
1883579110.0098% ***
1882480150.0123% ***
1881551110.0102% ***
1880397190.0160% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.