Baby Name Rankings of Lucian

Lucian: Statistics About The Baby Name Lucian

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20234876110.0334% ***
20225455410.0290% ***
20215954650.0250% ***
20206404170.0226% ***
20196633970.0208% ***
20186513910.0203% ***
20175834620.0235% ***
20166274250.0211% ***
20156344170.0206% ***
20146084370.0215% ***
20136313860.0193% ***
20125864330.0215% ***
20115964150.0206% ***
20105634440.0218% ***
20096044220.0201% ***
20088112660.0124% ***
20077742780.0128% ***
20068242430.0113% ***
20058502120.0102% ***
1952855670.0034% ***
1951876640.0034% ***
1949952530.0030% ***
1946959490.0030% ***
1944799620.0045% ***
1943986460.0032% ***
1942840610.0043% ***
1941938470.0038% ***
1939917470.0041% ***
1938868520.0046% ***
1937872500.0046% ***
1936903470.0044% ***
1934873520.0049% ***
1933837550.0054% ***
1932850570.0053% ***
1931776650.0061% ***
1930690830.0074% ***
1929790670.0061% ***
1928781690.0061% ***
1927690880.0076% ***
1926722780.0068% ***
19256291020.0089% ***
19246261060.0091% ***
19236331030.0091% ***
19225861210.0107% ***
1921649990.0087% ***
19205501240.0113% ***
1919704800.0079% ***
19186111020.0097% ***
19175781050.0109% ***
19165171210.0131% ***
19154991240.0141% ***
1914559800.0117% ***
1913569590.0110% ***
1912577490.0109% ***
1911518330.0137% ***
1910744170.0082% ***
1909550230.0130% ***
1908560210.0126% ***
1907549200.0126% ***
1906788110.0076% ***
1905606160.0112% ***
1904672130.0094% ***
1903684120.0093% ***
1902638130.0098% ***
1901624120.0104% ***
1900525210.0129% ***
1899494160.0139% ***
1898464200.0151% ***
1897602130.0107% ***
1896473190.0147% ***
1895544150.0118% ***
1894491170.0136% ***
1893426190.0157% ***
1892491170.0129% ***
189174380.0073% ***
1890474160.0134% ***
1889398210.0176% ***
1888365260.0200% ***
1887384190.0174% ***
1886423180.0151% ***
1885351250.0216% ***
1884407200.0163% ***
1883378210.0187% ***
1882396210.0172% ***
1881292300.0277% ***
1880416180.0152% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.