Baby Name Rankings of Loy

Loy: Statistics About The Baby Name Loy

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1953969550.0028% ***
1952966550.0028% ***
1949902590.0033% ***
1948859640.0036% ***
1947979530.0029% ***
1946865580.0035% ***
1945809590.0043% ***
1944915490.0035% ***
1943761730.0050% ***
1942839610.0043% ***
1941807610.0049% ***
1940826580.0049% ***
1939799590.0052% ***
1938664820.0072% ***
1937703730.0067% ***
1936742660.0062% ***
1935683780.0073% ***
1934663840.0079% ***
1933660790.0078% ***
1932663850.0079% ***
1931678790.0074% ***
1930676860.0076% ***
1929746720.0065% ***
1928696840.0074% ***
1927776720.0062% ***
1926658930.0081% ***
1925741780.0068% ***
1924694890.0076% ***
1923752760.0067% ***
1922672930.0083% ***
1921741800.0070% ***
1920688870.0079% ***
1919679840.0083% ***
1918721790.0075% ***
1917663820.0085% ***
1916661800.0087% ***
1915617870.0099% ***
1914781460.0067% ***
1913770380.0071% ***
1912957230.0051% ***
1910910130.0062% ***
1909568220.0125% ***
1907653160.0101% ***
1905822100.0070% ***
190493280.0058% ***
1903479200.0155% ***
1902637130.0098% ***
1900669150.0092% ***
1899644110.0095% ***
1897669110.0090% ***
189694370.0054% ***
189577590.0071% ***
1894554140.0112% ***
1893594120.0099% ***
188975980.0067% ***
188878980.0062% ***
188788660.0055% ***
188692060.0050% ***
188195950.0046% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.