Baby Name Rankings of Lovina

Lovina: Statistics About The Baby Name Lovina

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1903*** 886160.0058%
1902*** 1000130.0046%
1901*** 986120.0047%
1900*** 907180.0057%
1896*** 932130.0052%
1895*** 805160.0065%
1894*** 981110.0047%
1891*** 742140.0071%
1890*** 911100.0050%
1889*** 875100.0053%
1886*** 86980.0052%
1885*** 723100.0070%
1884*** 82680.0058%
1883*** 635100.0083%
1881*** 526110.0111%
1880*** 65680.0082%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.