Baby Name Rankings of Lorenza

Lorenza: Statistics About The Baby Name Lorenza

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1961939660.0031% ***
1959916700.0032% ***
1958878740.0034% ***
1957997580.0027% ***
1956929650.0030% ***
1954977580.0028% ***
1953899640.0032% ***
1952828720.0036% ***
1951875640.0034% ***
1950825690.0038% ***
1949866630.0035% ***
1948923560.0032% ***
1947999510.0028% ***
1946972480.0029% ***
1945893510.0037% ***
1944928480.0035% ***
1943940510.0035% ***
1942966480.0034% ***
1939990420.0037% ***
1938957440.0039% ***
1935996410.0038% ***
1932909510.0048% ***
1928970500.0044% ***
1926988490.0043% ***
1923917560.0049% ***
1920934550.0050% 965580.0047%
1914847410.0060% ***
1911909140.0058% ***
1909873120.0068% ***
1908807120.0072% ***
1903*** 885160.0058%
190289680.0060% ***
190175690.0078% ***
1895*** 961120.0049%
188994060.0050% ***
188878880.0062% ***
188691860.0050% ***
188492660.0049% ***
1882*** 98350.0043%
188183360.0055% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.