Baby Name Rankings of Londyn

Londyn: Statistics About The Baby Name Londyn

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 2761,1310.0647%
2022*** 2221,3440.0753%
2021*** 2061,4370.0808%
2020*** 1621,7370.0986%
2019*** 1741,6550.0908%
2018*** 1881,5800.0856%
2017*** 1921,6060.0857%
2016*** 1801,8140.0941%
2015*** 1602,0130.1040%
2014*** 1542,0810.1073%
2013*** 1641,9340.1013%
2012*** 1951,6140.0840%
2011*** 2081,4800.0771%
2010*** 2891,1050.0569%
2009*** 3688620.0431%
2008*** 5076060.0295%
2007*** 8413350.0161%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.