Baby Name Rankings of Lolita

Lolita: Statistics About The Baby Name Lolita

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1973*** 8501520.0098%
1972*** 8841440.0089%
1971*** 7841850.0106%
1970*** 7082190.0120%
1969*** 6702200.0125%
1968*** 6182420.0142%
1967*** 5662800.0163%
1966*** 5572900.0165%
1965*** 6542260.0124%
1964*** 5862850.0146%
1963*** 4674330.0218%
1962*** 5702990.0148%
1961*** 9841210.0058%
1959*** 9241280.0062%
1955*** 9501080.0054%
1954*** 8891170.0059%
1953*** 961980.0051%
1950*** 986860.0049%
1947*** 982820.0045%
1946*** 972740.0046%
1945*** 972640.0048%
1944*** 906720.0053%
1943*** 982660.0046%
1942*** 860800.0057%
1941*** 983560.0045%
1940*** 772830.0070%
1939*** 946560.0049%
1938*** 895630.0055%
1937*** 843670.0061%
1936*** 925550.0051%
1935*** 919570.0052%
1934*** 943540.0050%
1933*** 847630.0060%
1932*** 788750.0068%
1931*** 842670.0061%
1930*** 740900.0077%
1929*** 904630.0054%
1928*** 949620.0052%
1927*** 900690.0056%
1926*** 954620.0050%
1925*** 959610.0048%
1924*** 946650.0050%
1921*** 929640.0050%
1914*** 962380.0048%
1909*** 921200.0054%
1906*** 888180.0057%
1905*** 888180.0058%
1904*** 866180.0062%
1903*** 674250.0090%
1902*** 660260.0093%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.