Baby Name Rankings of Lilyan

Lilyan: Statistics About The Baby Name Lilyan

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1921*** 977580.0045%
1920*** 860710.0057%
1919*** 802770.0066%
1918*** 6411230.0102%
1917*** 6201210.0108%
1916*** 6101230.0113%
1915*** 5941200.0117%
1914*** 626850.0107%
1913*** 660620.0095%
1912*** 643600.0103%
1911*** 661430.0098%
1910*** 733340.0081%
1909*** 806260.0071%
1908*** 990170.0048%
1907*** 719280.0083%
1906*** 752240.0077%
1900*** 931170.0053%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.