Baby Name Rankings of Lia

Lia: Statistics About The Baby Name Lia

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
2023*** 2091,4250.0815%
2022*** 2481,2300.0689%
2021*** 3071,0330.0581%
2020*** 2911,0940.0621%
2019*** 2831,1570.0635%
2018*** 2461,3100.0710%
2017*** 3379480.0506%
2016*** 3359850.0511%
2015*** 3299870.0510%
2014*** 3778550.0441%
2013*** 3858020.0420%
2012*** 3519000.0468%
2011*** 3788420.0438%
2010*** 3578860.0456%
2009*** 3738580.0429%
2008*** 4277310.0356%
2007*** 5295820.0279%
2006*** 5215700.0277%
2005*** 5525100.0256%
2004*** 6154410.0222%
2003*** 6653950.0198%
2002*** 7123460.0176%
2001*** 7593130.0159%
2000*** 7632990.0150%
1999*** 9062330.0120%
1998*** 9682110.0109%
1997*** 9172180.0114%
1995*** 9392010.0105%
1990*** 9471990.0097%
1989*** 9092000.0100%
1988*** 9191840.0096%
1987*** 9401740.0093%
1986*** 9961560.0085%
1985*** 9351680.0091%
1984*** 10001440.0080%
1983*** 9521550.0087%
1971*** 8591570.0090%
1966*** 9661110.0063%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.