Baby Name Rankings of Lew

Lew: Statistics About The Baby Name Lew

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1908648170.0102% ***
1902775100.0075% ***
1896705110.0085% ***
189577390.0071% ***
189476690.0072% ***
189380680.0066% ***
1892664110.0084% ***
189167790.0082% ***
189070890.0075% ***
188970290.0076% ***
188873290.0069% ***
1887501130.0119% ***
188681270.0059% ***
1885431180.0155% ***
1884498150.0122% ***
1883577110.0098% ***
1882461160.0131% ***
188163090.0083% ***
1880389200.0169% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.