Baby Name Rankings of Lessie

Lessie: Statistics About The Baby Name Lessie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1955*** 9751040.0052%
1954*** 997960.0048%
1953*** 9381020.0053%
1952*** 951970.0051%
1951*** 8421130.0061%
1950*** 8811020.0058%
1949*** 7981180.0067%
1948*** 7081400.0080%
1947*** 7151410.0078%
1946*** 6751410.0088%
1945*** 6621250.0093%
1944*** 7051140.0084%
1943*** 6251470.0103%
1942*** 6371400.0101%
1941*** 5831450.0116%
1940*** 5901400.0119%
1939*** 5491480.0131%
1938*** 5231670.0146%
1937*** 5051700.0154%
1936*** 4941690.0157%
1935*** 4891670.0154%
1934*** 4651920.0177%
1933*** 4831740.0166%
1932*** 4552070.0187%
1931*** 4621940.0176%
1930*** 4252440.0209%
1929*** 4272420.0209%
1928*** 4362410.0202%
1927*** 4132770.0224%
1926*** 4342520.0205%
1925*** 3813190.0253%
1924*** 3843160.0244%
1923*** 3733170.0253%
1922*** 3802960.0237%
1921*** 3573440.0269%
1920*** 3653240.0261%
1919*** 3283750.0319%
1918*** 3423600.0299%
1917*** 3403350.0298%
1916*** 3103800.0350%
1915*** 3333200.0313%
1914*** 2873360.0423%
1913*** 3032450.0375%
1912*** 2902460.0420%
1911*** 2622190.0497%
1910909130.0062% 2672080.0497%
1909*** 2901550.0422%
1908*** 2621810.0511%
1907*** 2531860.0552%
1906*** 2641550.0495%
1905*** 2491680.0542%
1904*** 2321750.0598%
190388180.0062% 2541450.0521%
1902*** 2361640.0585%
190190570.0061% 2531320.0519%
1900*** 2441760.0553%
1899*** 2951010.0408%
1898*** 2521400.0511%
1897*** 2821010.0407%
1896*** 2621200.0476%
1895*** 2401330.0538%
1894*** 315780.0331%
1893*** 273960.0426%
1892*** 267980.0436%
1891*** 315640.0326%
1890*** 283790.0392%
1889*** 278740.0391%
1888*** 281690.0364%
1887*** 256670.0431%
1886*** 264630.0410%
1885*** 334380.0268%
1884*** 287450.0327%
188397950.0044% 316320.0266%
1882*** 354250.0216%
1881*** 402180.0182%
1880*** 396180.0184%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.