Baby Name Rankings of Les

Les: Statistics About The Baby Name Les

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1968912630.0036% ***
1967851710.0040% ***
1966800830.0046% ***
1965766930.0049% ***
19647521040.0051% ***
19637081210.0059% ***
19626911260.0060% ***
19615871830.0085% ***
19606001720.0079% ***
19596121600.0074% ***
19586041610.0075% ***
19576811250.0057% ***
19566951130.0053% ***
1955980590.0028% ***
1949997490.0027% ***
1948817700.0039% ***
1947720910.0049% ***
1946774740.0045% ***
1945907500.0037% ***
1944862540.0039% ***
1943866590.0041% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.