Baby Name Rankings of Lera

Lera: Statistics About The Baby Name Lera

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1926--- 991570.0046%
1923--- 929630.0050%
1921--- 859740.0058%
1920--- 875690.0055%
1919--- 895620.0053%
1918--- 905630.0052%
1917--- 853650.0058%
1916--- 880600.0055%
1915--- 987460.0045%
1914--- 820510.0064%
1913--- 777460.0070%
1912--- 773420.0072%
1911--- 795300.0068%
1910--- 714350.0084%
1909--- 739300.0082%
1908--- 687320.0090%
1906--- 751240.0077%
1905--- 607340.0110%
1904--- 820200.0068%
1903--- 620290.0104%
1902--- 807190.0068%
1901--- 943130.0051%
1900--- 906180.0057%
1899--- 744190.0077%
1898--- 802180.0066%
1897--- 850150.0060%
1896--- 859150.0060%
1894--- 881130.0055%
1893--- 936110.0049%
1892--- 782150.0067%
1889--- 629170.0090%
1888--- 678150.0079%
1885--- 88270.0049%