Baby Name Rankings of Leopoldo

Leopoldo: Statistics About The Baby Name Leopoldo

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1984994800.0043% ***
1981989840.0045% ***
1980948900.0049% ***
1979959850.0048% ***
1978998750.0044% ***
1977994750.0044% ***
1975965720.0044% ***
1974902810.0050% ***
1972989670.0040% ***
1969993600.0033% ***
1952986530.0027% ***
1947911590.0032% ***
1945891510.0037% ***
1937975420.0038% ***
1932879530.0049% ***
1930879570.0051% ***
1929781680.0062% ***
1928986490.0043% ***
1927886590.0051% ***
1926897560.0049% ***
1925928530.0046% ***
1924923580.0050% ***
1909987100.0057% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.