Baby Name Rankings of Leonore

Leonore: Statistics About The Baby Name Leonore

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1929--- 971550.0048%
1928--- 875700.0059%
1926--- 904680.0055%
1925--- 958610.0048%
1924--- 944650.0050%
1922--- 955610.0049%
1919--- 960550.0047%
1917--- 907580.0052%
1916--- 845650.0060%
1914--- 871450.0057%
1913--- 971310.0047%
1911--- 781310.0070%
1906--- 724260.0083%
1900--- 851200.0063%
1899--- 896140.0057%
1896--- 930130.0052%
1895--- 960120.0049%
1894--- 880130.0055%
1893--- 881120.0053%
1892--- 817140.0062%
1887--- 773100.0064%
1885--- 82180.0056%
1883--- 78870.0058%
1881--- 89450.0051%