Baby Name Rankings of Leonidas

Leonidas: Statistics About The Baby Name Leonidas

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20234776340.0346% ***
20224227550.0405% ***
20214486800.0365% ***
20204576480.0351% ***
20194836030.0316% ***
20185025680.0294% ***
20174975790.0295% ***
20165055920.0293% ***
20155195520.0272% ***
20145664880.0240% ***
20137013340.0167% ***
20127832870.0143% ***
20118882320.0115% ***
20109272160.0106% ***
20099821990.0095% ***
20088832350.0109% ***
189895170.0053% ***
189397960.0050% ***
189283580.0061% ***
188788460.0055% ***
188290360.0049% ***
1880100050.0042% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.