Baby Name Rankings of Leonel

Leonel: Statistics About The Baby Name Leonel

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20233071,0700.0584% ***
20223271,0280.0552% ***
20213748620.0463% ***
20203449290.0504% ***
20193439700.0508% ***
20183579210.0477% ***
20173638980.0457% ***
20163738880.0440% ***
20153898150.0402% ***
20144307040.0347% ***
20134616060.0303% ***
20124436160.0307% ***
20114595780.0287% ***
20104485910.0291% ***
20094705760.0275% ***
20084865620.0261% ***
20074855450.0250% ***
20064685690.0264% ***
20054216250.0299% ***
20044735260.0253% ***
20035244460.0214% ***
20025424070.0198% ***
20015324090.0198% ***
20005244210.0202% ***
19995443720.0183% ***
19985603510.0173% ***
19975923030.0152% ***
19965623260.0163% ***
19955933000.0149% ***
19945783190.0157% ***
19935693250.0158% ***
19925703190.0152% ***
19915763060.0145% ***
19906142690.0125% ***
19896222530.0121% ***
19886412180.0109% ***
19876422040.0105% ***
19866242030.0106% ***
19856471820.0095% ***
19846701680.0090% ***
19837041480.0080% ***
19826561750.0093% ***
19816541710.0092% ***
19806991550.0084% ***
19797361390.0078% ***
19787481290.0076% ***
1977858990.0058% ***
19767671170.0072% ***
19757471240.0077% ***
19748011000.0061% ***
19737821040.0065% ***
1972862870.0052% ***
1971831950.0052% ***
1970853900.0047% ***
1969909710.0039% ***
1968896650.0037% ***
1967870680.0038% ***
1966927620.0034% ***
1965887690.0036% ***
1964883750.0037% ***
1963994580.0028% ***
1960947640.0030% ***
1958973610.0028% ***
1950985500.0027% ***
1949901590.0033% ***
1947959550.0030% ***
1939928460.0041% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.