Baby Name Rankings of Lennie

Lennie: Statistics About The Baby Name Lennie

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1965982570.0030% ***
1964910700.0035% ***
1963965610.0030% ***
1962948640.0030% ***
1961898730.0034% ***
1960880750.0035% ***
1959881760.0035% ***
1958862770.0036% ***
1957845790.0036% ***
1956937640.0030% ***
1955929650.0031% ***
1948931550.0031% ***
1936*** 924550.0051%
1933*** 869600.0057%
1932*** 896620.0056%
1930*** 946600.0051%
1929*** 937590.0051%
1928*** 930640.0054%
1926*** 866740.0060%
1925*** 872730.0058%
1924*** 786900.0069%
1923*** 999570.0046%
1922*** 848750.0060%
1921*** 6921140.0089%
1920*** 792830.0067%
1919*** 719950.0081%
1918*** 801800.0067%
1917*** 699970.0086%
1916*** 6441110.0102%
1915*** 5851240.0121%
1914*** 583950.0120%
1913*** 596750.0115%
1912*** 555770.0132%
1911954130.0054% 519640.0145%
1910907130.0062% 590500.0119%
1909*** 600420.0114%
1908*** 462610.0172%
1907*** 478560.0166%
1906*** 487500.0160%
1905776110.0077% 469530.0171%
190485290.0065% 432560.0192%
190396970.0054% 463480.0173%
1902*** 448490.0175%
1901*** 455430.0169%
1900*** 472520.0163%
189999860.0052% 493360.0145%
1898*** 455460.0168%
1897*** 532310.0125%
1896*** 437440.0175%
189594270.0055% 387530.0214%
189482880.0064% 401490.0208%
189380580.0066% 458340.0151%
1892*** 437380.0169%
1891*** 357490.0249%
1890*** 419370.0183%
188970190.0076% 481270.0143%
188873190.0069% 462290.0153%
188788260.0055% 365350.0225%
1886*** 681120.0078%
1885*** 389280.0197%
1884*** 354320.0233%
188384960.0053% 443190.0158%
188290260.0049% 413200.0173%
1881*** 365210.0212%
1880*** 532110.0113%
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.