Baby Name Rankings of Len

Len: Statistics About The Baby Name Len

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1971968710.0039% ***
19707781120.0059% ***
1969819890.0049% ***
1968806850.0048% ***
1967860700.0039% ***
1966866710.0039% ***
1965846760.0040% ***
1964795900.0044% ***
1963803890.0043% ***
1962790940.0045% ***
19617391090.0051% ***
19607131210.0056% ***
1959785960.0044% ***
19586911190.0055% ***
1957777940.0043% ***
1956854770.0036% ***
1955815800.0038% ***
1954872710.0034% ***
1953819770.0039% ***
1952744900.0046% ***
1951910600.0032% ***
1950845650.0036% ***
1949917570.0032% ***
1948794740.0042% ***
1947753830.0045% ***
1946820650.0040% ***
1945862530.0039% ***
1944892510.0037% ***
1941923480.0038% ***
1940920480.0040% ***
1939967430.0038% ***
1912926240.0053% ***
1909930110.0062% ***
1907725140.0088% ***
1906696130.0090% ***
1905729120.0084% ***
190485190.0065% ***
190382490.0070% ***
190283290.0068% ***
1900880100.0062% ***
189991270.0061% ***
189895070.0053% ***
1896612130.0101% ***
189482780.0064% ***
189397860.0050% ***
189291370.0053% ***
1890622110.0092% ***
188993460.0050% ***
1888676100.0077% ***
188771780.0073% ***
188691260.0050% ***
1885514140.0121% ***
1884641100.0081% ***
1883619100.0089% ***
188267890.0074% ***
1881547110.0102% ***
188078170.0059% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.