Baby Name Rankings of Lemuel

Lemuel: Statistics About The Baby Name Lemuel

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1976985720.0044% ***
1975978710.0044% ***
1972970700.0042% ***
1970944720.0038% ***
1969902720.0039% ***
1968834770.0043% ***
1967792850.0048% ***
1966799830.0046% ***
1965806850.0045% ***
1964784920.0045% ***
19637571040.0050% ***
1962789940.0045% ***
1961786940.0044% ***
1960793940.0043% ***
19597501040.0048% ***
1958865760.0035% ***
19577291060.0049% ***
1956736990.0046% ***
1955742960.0046% ***
19547041060.0051% ***
19536911070.0054% ***
19526821040.0053% ***
19516511160.0061% ***
1950739860.0047% ***
1949697960.0053% ***
1948704900.0051% ***
1947750840.0045% ***
1946708850.0052% ***
1945708740.0054% ***
19446111010.0073% ***
1943660940.0065% ***
1942693860.0061% ***
1941695780.0062% ***
1940706740.0062% ***
1939671790.0070% ***
19385761040.0092% ***
1937616910.0083% ***
1936631850.0080% ***
1935652840.0079% ***
1934640880.0083% ***
1933636830.0082% ***
1932643880.0082% ***
1931623920.0086% ***
19306161000.0089% ***
19295721090.0099% ***
19285691170.0103% ***
19276271010.0087% ***
19265471240.0108% ***
19255681190.0103% ***
19245641260.0108% ***
19236021110.0098% ***
19225181430.0127% ***
19215121460.0128% ***
19204991460.0133% ***
19195091370.0135% ***
19185451220.0116% ***
19175501150.0120% ***
19164891350.0146% ***
1915583960.0109% ***
1914517900.0132% ***
1913583570.0106% ***
1912504610.0135% ***
1911525320.0133% ***
1910527290.0139% ***
1909498270.0153% ***
1908570200.0120% ***
1907423300.0189% ***
1906348360.0250% ***
1905458240.0168% ***
1904580160.0116% ***
1903407240.0186% ***
1902468210.0158% ***
1901431200.0173% ***
1900365370.0228% ***
1899422200.0174% ***
1898425220.0166% ***
1897344300.0246% ***
1896452200.0155% ***
1895408230.0182% ***
1894335290.0232% ***
1893424190.0157% ***
1892325330.0251% ***
1891295320.0293% ***
1890332280.0234% ***
1889330290.0244% ***
1888321320.0246% ***
1887258390.0357% ***
1886282370.0311% ***
1885305310.0267% ***
1884315310.0253% ***
1883259410.0364% ***
1882264430.0352% ***
1881195580.0535% ***
1880208590.0498% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.