Baby Name Rankings of Lem

Lem: Statistics About The Baby Name Lem

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
1910842140.0067% ***
1909870120.0068% ***
190796890.0057% ***
190588090.0063% ***
1904788100.0072% ***
190396670.0054% ***
1902632130.0098% ***
190190370.0061% ***
1899493160.0139% ***
1898445210.0159% ***
1897568140.0115% ***
1896526160.0124% ***
1895591130.0103% ***
1894583130.0104% ***
1893592120.0099% ***
1892401230.0175% ***
1891622100.0092% ***
1890451170.0142% ***
1889397210.0176% ***
1888573130.0100% ***
1887569110.0101% ***
1886391210.0176% ***
1885430180.0155% ***
1884560120.0098% ***
1883345240.0213% ***
1882362250.0205% ***
1881391190.0175% ***
1880548120.0101% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.