Baby Name Rankings of Leighton

Leighton: Statistics About The Baby Name Leighton

YearBoy Rank# Boys% BoysGirl Rank# Girls% Girls
20239652310.0126% 3578500.0486%
20228213010.0162% 3758400.0471%
20218442790.0150% 3788190.0460%
20207433260.0177% 4017760.0440%
20196913620.0190% 4147520.0413%
20188352640.0137% 4487100.0385%
20179042350.0120% 4676650.0355%
20168532630.0130% 4297550.0392%
20158592600.0128% 4736740.0348%
20148932400.0118% 5405680.0293%
2013*** 5415440.0285%
2012*** 5635180.0270%
20119202170.0108% 5265450.0284%
20109262160.0106% 6484490.0231%
2009*** 6694300.0215%
1946914530.0032% ***
1945969440.0032% ***
1944937470.0034% ***
1942990460.0033% ***
1923900580.0051% ***
1908856110.0066% ***
189999760.0052% ***
* No data shown indicates the name was not among the top 1000 most popular names for that year.